Adult Services
- Wed, Mar 12Copernicus Room
- Thu, Mar 13Copernicus Room
Help Desk
What will we answer?
The reference librarians are here to assist you with your reference and resource requests! We will answer questions that require a moderate amount of research, covering various topics, including historical research, schoolwork, reader’s advisory, consumer and health information, job search resources, and general questions. All requests will be answered as quickly as possible to the best of the staff’s ability.
How will we answer?
We can respond by email at and by phone.
Contact & Hours
Call at 724-658-6659, ext.109.
Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday-Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Exam Proctoring
The Help Desk at New Castle Public Library will proctor exams for students, depending on the availability of the department.
Please call the Help Desk at 724-658-6659 ext. 109 to schedule a time to take the exam. Proctor exams and information/instructions can be emailed to or can be faxed to the attention of the Help Desk at 724-658-9012.
There is a $15 charge for proctoring exams, regardless of length. The student must pay prior to taking the exam and can pay in cash or a check made out to New Castle Public Library.