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Library's Finest
The Library's Finest is an annual fundraiser that brings a friendly, fun competition to the area's youth and young adults together to support the library. Applications for the 2024/2025 Library's Finest are now live!
2023/2024 was the inaugural year with over 15 participants including:
Ian Baker, Kiara Bollinger, Taryn Brown, Marco Bulisco, Alissa Burley, Leesha Chamberlain, Cassandra Cook, David Dean, Daniel Effinite, Craig Knox, Ashley LaPier, Michael Molinaro, Sarah Parish, Eric Ritter, Randy Ryan, Abdou and Elyse Saada, Romaine Shaffer, Peter Sirianni, and Erin Wolfgong
In total over $25,000 was raised through the various events and fundraisers held including:
Yoga, Dr. Seuss Day, Pflugh's Hoagie Sales, Paint & Sips, THON, Caregiver and Me Classes, and basket raffles to name a few. The funds raised went to support Elevate, a campaign to raise funds to further the library's renovation efforts including the repair of the elevator.
All the Library's Finest were invited to attend the Library's Finest Gala, a semi-form sit down dinner, at the start of June as library staff, board members, and volunteers commended the efforts of all participants and shared the ideas of the library's future.




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