Government Documents

Visit the U.S. Government Printing Office for more information:
Call 724-658-6659, ext. 109, or email for more information.
Federal Depository Library Program
New Castle Public Library has been a participant in the Federal Depository Library Program since 1963. This depository library program is administered by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) through which selected U.S. government documents are made available in libraries throughout the country. We make available, for free, current and historical government documents for the public.
From the Government Printing Office website:
What can I find at a Federal Depository Library?
Information on topics such as health, business, careers, the military, science, technology, travel, nutrition, and more
Books, maps, journals, periodicals, and more
Expert reference assistance from Government information librarians
Access to online Government information resources
A network of librarians to facilitate access to materials located at other libraries
Aside from government basics, we select what we think would be most interesting and useful to the patrons at our library and in our district. We have a large military collection, as well as many resources in health services. We have kits that are available in several topics, including Civics and Citizenship Toolkit: A Collection of Educational Resources for Immigrants and Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands: A Toolkit for Teachers and Interpreters.
We offer senate hearings that are popular with students doing papers; topics cover a variety of issues such as vaccine safety and autism, mental health, substance abuse disorders, child custody, and fighting cybercrime – just to name a few. Many helpful booklets come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on buying a home, and from FEMA on repairing flood-damaged homes.
Popular Government Documents Online
Bureau of Labor Statistics Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities
Congressional Record (Also at:
United States International Trade Commission – Harmonized Tariff Schedule
A depository is permitted to replace tangible versions with electronic equivalents provided the electronic version is complete, official, and permanently accessible.