Research Tools
Reference Librarians & Chat with a Librarian Service
Contact the Reference Department at 724-658-6659, ext. 109. Email
What will we answer?
The reference librarians are here to assist you with your reference and resource requests! We will answer questions that require a moderate amount of research, covering a variety of topics including historical research, schoolwork, reader’s advisory, consumer and health information, job search resources, and general reference questions. All requests will be answered to the best of the staff’s ability as quickly as possible.
How will we answer?
We can respond by email at and phone/fax. Please indicate your preferred method when contacting us.
Need to talk to a librarian NOW? Use the state's CHAT with a Librarian service.
Use the chat link below for this free live chat service where librarians answer questions 24/7. (If your question is specifically for New Castle Public Library, you will get a faster response by calling 724-658-6659 or emailing
You can use CHAT with a Librarian to find quality information on:
General Research
Homework Questions
Science Fair & STEM Projects
Citation Resources
Genealogy Research
Reading Recommendations
Who is Answering Chat?
You are chatting with librarians across Pennsylvania (and even the U.S. and U.K. during busy times!)
Remember Chat librarians are real people.
Thanks for using good digital manners!
Online Databases
We have a variety of online resources that you can access from your home or in the library. Call 724-658-6659, x108 or x109, or email for more information or for help using any of our resources. - live help available from 3 to 10 p.m. daily, 361 days/year; video lessons available anytime is a fully online tutoring service for K-adult students. You can get a tutor in more than 40 subjects including Math, Science, Social Studies, English, AP ® Support, Foreign Languages, and Business. Tutoring sessions take place in their easy-to-use online classroom, which runs in your web browser.
Can’t find a book in our library you want to read? Looking for a resource you do not want to buy because it costs too much? Search libraries statewide to see if they have what you are looking for. If you find something you want to request, fill out the online ILL request form or contact our Interlibrary Loan Department, at 724-658-6659 ext. 101 or email, or stop by the Reference Desk with your request.
(Available in-library only)
Search current and archived coverage of issues, events, people, government, sports and more with the largest collection of full-text U.S. newspapers. Find titles from across the US. Includes staff-written articles, obituaries, editorials, announcements, real estate, and other sections.

Ancestry Library Edition - AVAILABLE IN-LIBRARY ONLY
Ancestry Library Edition provides access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos, plus local narratives, oral histories, indexes and other resources in over 30,000 databases that span from the 1500s to the 2000s. - AVAILABLE IN-LIBRARY ONLY
At it's easy and convenient to search or browse the collection to find news, notices of births, marriages and deaths, sports, comics and much more. Our high quality digital images and powerful viewer provide the best look at these historical papers and make it easy to print, save and share what you find. New Castle Public Library has access to Pennyslvania newspapers only.
POWER Library is the online portal to all that Pennsylvania libraries offer. This is the place to find trustworthy answers to questions about health care, consumer purchases, personal finances, and more. Enjoy free 24/7 access to newspapers, magazines, journals, historical documents, and photos, online databases, and eBooks. This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through Library Access Funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.
Through the POWER library, you have access to a variety of freely available eBooks.
From the main eBook collection page you can search by category, title, author, etc.
or view featured eBooks.
Once you click on the title of a book, you can download it onto your computer (you will need Adobe Digital Editions installed). You can then transfer the downloaded book, via Adobe Digital Editions, to your device, such as a Nook or SonyReader.
*You will need to create an account on EBSCOHost in order to download. You will be prompted to do so when you go to download your first book.
Stop by the Reference Desk or call 724-658-6659 x109 for additional help, or check out EBSCO’s eBook Help Page.
Free Language Sites Include:
Duolingo is a free language learning platform that includes a language learning website and an app. Users can also take a digital language proficiency exam. Free on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, web
Memrise is a free learning platform which has all sorts of courses. It includes 200+ language courses and many other topics too. Free on web, Android and iOS. Pro subscription at $8.99/month gives you access to an extra set of learning games and includes downloads of any courses for offline use
Exam Proctoring
The reference department at New Castle Public Library will proctor exams for students, depending on the availability of the department.
Please call the reference department at 724-658-6659 ext. 109 to schedule a time to take the exam. Proctor exams and information/instructions can be emailed to, or can be faxed to the attention of the reference department at 724-658-9012.
There is a $15 charge for proctoring exams, regardless of length. The student must pay prior to taking the exam, and can pay in cash or a check made out to New Castle Public Library.